Smaller, handier and highly specialised in the detection of methane
Visualization of Methane
The new GasCam® SG model offers you a significantly lighter and more compact system. As a highly specialised system for the detection of methane, it is the ideal choice for the detection of leaks in biogas and natural gassystems. Methane can be detected reliably even from distances of up to 100 metres, and is displayed against the background as a coloured gas cloud in real time.
Inspect natural gas and biogas plants for thightness and methane emissions more quickly
The question of whether natural gas or biogas plants are safe or not largely depends on whether they are leakproof. Unknown and undiscovered gas escapes in natural gas and biogas plants thus pose a great danger. The methane contained in these gases can not only turn into an ignition hazardous mixture with the ambient air, but is also a greenhouse gas which is 22 times stronger than CO2. Therefore, leaks in gascontaining plants must be determined quickly and precisely in order to ensure the plant’s safe operation. Up to now, it has been very troublesome and above all time-consuming and cost-intensive to down gas escapes by using conventional flame ionisation or semiconductor gas detectors. The search for leaks can now be conducted much more quickly. This is enabled by the GasCam® SG from Esders, a mobile infrareddetector measuring unit, which diagnoses gas clouds at gas containing plants in real time and immediately provides the user with a colour moving images of the escaping methane cloud. GasCam® SG can be up to100 metres away from the object being measured. The measurement system‘s big benefit: leaks are discovered immediately and the point of escape is located.
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